All reproduction rights reserved Wm. Greiner
My Handgun Story
I had a concealed handgun permit in New Orleans , long before such a thing became so common or popular. They were actually hard to get, because it required training certification, a background check, etc.
Since I was photographing around the city at all times of the day and night, with lots of expensive equipment, I thought I might be a target. So, I carried a gun.
One day it dawned on me that I most relied on my instincts and a kin awareness of my surroundings for my protection. I questioned in my mind if I was prepared to shoot anyone, even in self defense? So I stopped carrying the gun.
Not long after this decision, I was driving around the Mid-City area of New Orleans. It was a bright, beautiful and sunny day. I would drive past this boxing facility , which had this fantastic larger than life boxer near it.
So, I passed the place. There was a car in front of me going excruciatingly slow. I am sure I was tailgating the guy, but all of a sudden, the driver stopped in the middle of the street. He jumped out of the car, screaming at me: "I got a gun!", "You got a gun?"! He kept yelling that over and over again. I calmly smiled, raised my hands and said "No I don't have a gun, it's cool!".
He got back in his car and drove away.
And I am glad that I did not have a gun that day!
Yeah, 9 times out of 10, paying attention to and knowing how to interpret one's surroundings is a way better defense than anything else. And no kid ever died from finding and playing with their parents' keen awareness.
Well said! Thanks.
Great story. Keep up the good work.
Thanks William
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