STICKS and STONES may.........

I was chastised in a comment left on Alec Soth’s blog , , concerning my assertion that no words will make a photograph better art! I think it is an interesting and relevant idea?
As an aside to this, I recently found an article in the New York Times by film maker Errol Morris Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire , July 10, 2007. Morris contends “a picture unaccompanied by words may not mean anything at all. Do pictures provide evidence? And if so, evidence of what? And, of course, the underlying question: do they tell the truth?”. This question is sort of the flip side of applying it to photographs made as art?
To make a music analogy, I love the song NORWEGIAN WOOD by The Beatles. If given the chance to ask one of them what the song means to them, I wouldn’t want to know because I have already conjured up something in my mind as to what it means to me!
Hi William
If you click on the title of Alec's post that contained your comment it will give you a link to that particular post.Otherwise, difficult to find the reference.
I enjoy your photography very much...
Hi Mark S! Thanks for your kind words. I was unable to link directly to the string of comments, but if you go to Alec's post Soth-Blog Code of Conduct, Article 1 and then click on "comments", you can find the string. Sorry for my lack of tech sophistication, but I did think Photoshop was a store! :-). Wm.
I admire photographers who maintain a
lack of technical sophistication, I'm trying to backtrack myself...
I'm loving the photo blog flurry, but so many words to follow... this string was amusing.
cheers, ms
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