Send lawyers, guns and money*

copyright Wm. Greiner
- An overwhelming caseload prevents New Orleans’ public defenders from adequately representing poor defendants , so many prisoners are being released from jail because of the back log!
- Concealed handgun permit applications in New Orleans numbered 432 in 2003 and that number has jumped to 832 in 2006!
- Katrina flood claims against the Army Corps. Of Engineers now exceeds $400 billion mark!
*Lawyers, Guns and Money Lyrics - Warren Zevon
Sources - Judge told public defenders stretched too thin by Michael Kunzelman Associated Press 3-24-07 , N.O. residents find “confidence” in guns since storm by Mary Foster Associated Press 3-24-07 , Katrina flooding claims surpass $400 billion Associated Press 3-24-07 .
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