Fairy Tales

Ric and Sophia met on Spain’s version of eHarmony. They answered all the questions, supplied the most pleasant snapshot each had and hit the send button. They both said they had a sense of humor, enjoyed following the Madrid football (soccer) team , both played basketball and each had a parent in education. He was 26 and she was 24. A perfect match!
There first date was for drinks at a popular bar in Malaga. Malaga is not a big town but big enough that they did not know each other. The attraction that first night was instant, fueled by loneliness, hormones and nerves. The relationship sort of stumbled along , like walking down a step hill, it was the easiest direction to head.
Six months into the relationship, they planned a trip to New York City. The airlines were offering super cheap Fall fares. By now, they disagreed on just about everything. Sophia liked a lot of sex, Ric preferred to sleep late. Ric liked to eat out, late. Sophia enjoyed cooking and staying home.
It was clear, they both knew it, the relationship had taken it’s course. Ric and Sophia went their separate ways when they got back home. However, neither had given up on online dating. Each reapplied , answering all the questions, and supplying the most pleasant snapshot before hitting the send button. This time, Ric and Sophia, were matched with people the other one had gone to high school with. Each married their respective matches, it all ended just like a fairy tale.
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