Fee Feye Foe Fum why pay another one!

All reproduction rights reserved Wm. Greiner
If an arts organization, and I use that term loosely, cannot fund an exhibition.......they should not be trying to mount one? Obviously , the days of sending slides and a sase , has been replaced with send a cd and a Fee!
And I am not referring to any organization specifically! This trend is one of many I have noticed, which I think is a result of a maturing medium (photography) and the growing legend of it's practitioners!
Amen, brother! Don't forget 'contests' and 'portfolio reviews', which are the best scams going right now. And they're totally legal.
Earlier in my career , I attended Fotofest in Houston , and the experience was a valuable one! I met great friends and made contacts with many museum curators and gallery directors.
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