All reproduction rights reserved Wm. Greiner
My favorite team, the New Orleans Saints, it has been announced will play a regular season NFL game in one of my favorite cities, London! The Saints are to play the San Diego Chargers there on October 26th!
London IS awesome, although I'm sure it has changed since I was last there in 1978! Hopefully, after January, 2009, the dollar will improve and normal people will be able to afford to go again!
London is one of the most exciting cities in the world! I have been going there once or twice a year since 1995, working on a photography project I titled UK is OK. However, since 1996, the value of the dollar has seen a slow steady decline in value against the British Pound. It has now gotten ridiculously expensive to visit there, unfortunately! SO, I think its time that large groups of Londoners come to New Orleans and spend some of those cheap dollars they can buy!!
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