Pretty in Pink

All reproduction rights reserved Wm. Greiner
Brad Pitt busy making it right in the Lower 9
At the center of a buzzing construction zone in the heart of the worst-ravaged corner of the Lower 9th Ward, movie megastar Brad Pitt took a break Sunday afternoon to imagine the future.
Strewn around him a half-mile in every direction were hundreds of enormous pink blocks, 8-foot-high boxes and huge triangular wedges, representing the uprooted foundations and dislocated roofs that littered the area beside the Industrial Canal for months after Hurricane Katrina.
"Right now there are scattered blocks, like they were scattered by fate's hand, symbolic of the aftermath of the storm," Pitt said as crews installed more of the metal-and-tarp structures. "But we will be flipping the homes, essentially righting the wrong."
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Hi Bill,
I posted about your blog yesterday. Hope you like it. Best wishes for your holiday season, Tim
Hey Tim, Thanks for your blog ink! I most appreciate your comments and interest in not only my blog, but my city, New Orleans! Happy Holidays! Cheers, Wm.
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