All reproduction rights reserved Wm. Greiner 2007
I had intended to do a regular blog entry, titled Not So Silent Heroes, which was to feature someone who had done something for New Orleans and it’s battered community. It has taken me awhile for my second entry , but here is a great one.
Dinerral Shavers wanted to save New Orleans with the sound of music. Dinerral was the snare drummer for the Hot 8 Brass Band. After Katrina, having fled to a Baton Rouge shelter , it is reported that Dinerral played many gigs trying to spread a positive vibe about New Orleans.* However for Dinerral Shavers that was not enough.
He decided to start a full marching band for L.E. Rabouin High School on Carondelet Street in New Orleans. There was no football team at Rabouin , but Dinerral thought this new band could debut at Mardi Gras 2007. He was almost obsessed with his plan and goal.
Unfortunately, Dinerral Shavers was shot and killed on Dec 28th , by a bullet intended for someone else! If that weren’t tragic enough, Dinerral’s wife and two young children were with him when it happened.
In a fitting sort of memorial, the band has been formed. And the band will march and play at Mardi Gras!
You can see and hear them -
Today 7:45 pm Morpheus
Saturday 12:30pm Tucks
Sunday 5:30 pm Bacchus
Monday 5:15 pm Proteus
And when you do - think of Dinerral Shavers. I know I will.
*from A DREAM MARCHES ON by Marla Montoya , Staff Writer, The Times-Picayune.
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