all reproduction rights reserved William Greiner
Picturing Bill: Portarits of William Eggleston exhibition opened this night in New Orleans at the now defunct John Stinson Fine Art Gallery. The show comprised some 30 portraits of Eggleston, spanning 35 years.
“Picturing Bill- Portraits of William Eggleston”
October 1-31, 2003
Abraham Aronow, MD
Adam Bartos
Jane Rule Burdine
Justin Fox Burks
William Christenberry
Caldicott Chubb
Langdon Clay
Maude Schuyler Clay
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
Robert Earnest
Andra Eggleston
Winston Eggleston
Nan Goldin
William Greiner
Volker Heinze
David Julian Leonard
Everett McCourt
John Ramsey Miller
Barbara Norfleet
Christian Patterson
Tom Rankin
Rebecca Sakoun
Jerome Schlomoff
Alec Soth
Phil Swango
Lisa Thanner
Tom Young
Footnote about PICTURING BILL
I first met William Eggleston over twenty years ago. It was only a few years removed from his landmark show at the Museum of Modern Art in 1976, a show which put color photography on the map as fine art. Since that time, I have seen the countless number of photographers, a whole generation, who have been influenced by him. Not coincidently many of these photographers, including myself, have made the trip to Memphis to meet Bill and glean some insight into the way he sees and makes photographs. Photographers, being photographers, many have made portraits of Eggleston.
I have thought for years that a documentary should be made about William Eggleston , his work and career. If I had the time, resources and talent, I would volunteer for the job. However, I thought the next best thing would be to assemble and share a group of portraits of him made by a divergent group of photographers, some well known and some not so. “Picturing Bill” is the result.
William Greiner
william. thank you for this post- what a wonderful show! the list of contributers is outstanding. is there a place where we can view the iamges online or in book form in the future? wish i was closer to see in person.
Unfortunately, after the show closed at end of October , 2003, all the works were returned to the contributing artists. A documentary filmmaker had come and shot all the images and installation but the film was lost in the Hurricane Katrina flood last yer.
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