What’s Wrong With This Picture? *

all reproduction rights reserved William Greiner
* The title of an article in the New York Times this morning , by MICHAEL KIMMELMAN , reviews the Katrina images made by Robert Polidori , which are on view at the Metropolitan Museum in New York.
It sounds to be a small selection of the body of work , because nothing is mentioned about the image Mr. Poldori made of a dead man, lying in his own bed and in the privacy of his own home , partially covered by a blanket!
I am a fan , or have been , of Mr. Polidori’s work but I think making this image went beyond what is acceptable. I’ll put it this way, if that were my brother, father , grand-father or uncle on that bed and I walked in to find this guy with his eight by ten view camera looming over the body , I think Mr. Polidori would be looking for a good dentist to fit him for dentures right now!
That's what is wrong with this picture!
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